
Saturday 11 January 2014

The talented Ahmed A"Zaam"

Ahmed Azzam with models Tara & Moe

I got to know "Zaam" in 2012, as one of the best selling brands when I worked for "Posh Boutique Cairo". Since then, the brand has been having one hit collection after the other. Ahmed Azzam, the man behind "Zaam" is one of the nicest people you will ever meet. He is truely dedicated to staying on top of his game and expanding his business. I am so happy to feature him on my blog. Here is how it went ...
Tell us about yourself. 
My name is Ahmed Azzam, I'm 24, I’m a faculty of commerce English section graduate. I have been working in the digital marketing field for 3 years. And I love anything related to fashion, it’s the place where I would like to proceed my life in.
How did the designing idea start? 
I started designing different stuff during college but nothing lasted for long…after graduation I was engaged in the corporate life for a couple of years but I didn’t find myself in it and I wanted to get back again to my passion, so I started to look up through the Egyptian young designers market trying to find where’s the gap to fill it. And there I decided to proceed with the bags designing. And my all-time inspirational designer is the brilliant Gabrielle Chanel or COCO Chanel.
Winter 13 collection

What inspires you? 
I get inspired from everything around, I Love to clear my mind and keep my eyes to catch from the surroundings.. But I always love to get back to the old fashion. I believe in the quote “OLD IS GOLD”. I also track the new fashion trends in everything except the bags, trying to keep and maintain the uniqueness of my designs.

Summer 2012 Collection
How do you create a new collection?
Well, the first phase when I create any new collection is to find out a theme for the collection. I believe it’s the most important phase when designing a new collection as it should be going with the latest trends and still having my own taste, then the drawings takes me around a week, after comes the manufacturing and production phase, I always purchase all the materials leather, accessories, fabrics…and manage all the production process on my own. The lovely and most interesting phase is the shoot day; the concept should be also be going with the collection theme

What is it being a designer in Egypt?

The biggest challenge that is facing me and most of the designers I know is the labor. We have good and talented labor but with no respect for time. Sometimes the season ends even before I get all the stock!
Being a guy where most of the fashion scene is dominant by girls is not an obstacle for me and if we lool at the most famous international designers we will find that most of them are men. Sometimes I just don’t feel comfortable, and this is the reason behind why I’m not participating in lots of open days, bazaars or events.
How did you get the name "Zaam"?
So obviously ZAAM is Coming from my surname Azzam, and when I chose the peacock for the logo I was looking for something that is feminine, beautiful and chic and not taken by any other brands.

Winter 12/13 collection
Describe yourself in 3 words. 

Dreamer, hard worker and persistent

Who are your fav designers? 
I have a lot and would like to start with the Egyptian young designers, in the apparel Nada Akram and Sara ElEmary…Accessories Menna Khalil. From the middle east region Ramy Kadi will be the one. And from the international designers Nicolas Jebran , Dolce and Gabbana and Marc Jacobs.

Tell us about your new collection. 
The theme of my new collection is the classic vintage; I tried to use different materials away from the leather such as the classic French goblin and the heavy sophisticated copper pieces. Entering the men’s market was planned. I wanted first to prove myself as a trusted designer and by time I’ll be designing all leather goods for men and women. 
Where can we shop for "Zaam" 
You can Shop our products through our Facebook fan page delivering all over the world.. Boho Gallery and eniGmashopping.com in Egypt…Deenas shop in New Jersey US.
Summer 13 Collection

What is in the future for "Zaam". 
I just launched the new men’s line and I’m trying to establish it well before introducing any new line or product. I’m planning to join the Cairo Fashion Festival – spring season with a new exclusive edition for the event. For the new markets, I have a couple of offers from Dubai but didn’t finalize any yet but for sure Dubai will be my next destination.

What are you doing nowadays.
As I mentioned above I’ll be a part of the Cairo Fashion Festival so I’m preparing the spring collection for the event.

Here is how to stalk Zaam

Twitter @ZaamBags

Instagram @azzam_zaam


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