
Monday 20 January 2014

Cairo's Fashion Night 3

I was invited to attend Cairo's Fashion Night 3 as a fashion writer, If you want to read more about the event  Click Here for the Scoop. The event took place on January 17th and 18th, the first day was a press conference and a bazaar then the second day was only a bazaar. This year it was in Sameramis IC in garden city, Cairo. I attended the press conference where I had the chance to interview the amazing Elisa Sednaoui, also Click Here to read my interview with her. It was a great day, and I had some fun. This is a picture based post, so I hope you enjoy it and feel like you had a little tour around the Cairo's Fashion Night yourself.

This poster was on the gates of the pavilion hall, the one where the event took place. I loved the idea. 
I was looking around when I found these awesome pieces, I shook hands with the designer. She introduced herself as Malak, when I looked at the bags and read Malak El Ezzawy I screamed like a little girl "Oh My God Malak El Ezzawy, I love you". Right there and then I thought I ruined my chances as a blogger and as a human being of any contact with here, however she was so kind with a smile and a thank you. I ended up taking pictures of the collection and this Awesome Awesome cocktail dress.
The friendly Yara El Shenawy told me all about the Fair Trade Egypt concept. Basically these awesome products you see are very affordable yet ethnic and handmade, why? because they were made by Egyptians from various villages. I had the urge to shop, however I was there on business so I am totally going to pay them a visit real soon in their Maadi branch. Each piece you buy, the price tag has the story of the person who made it. 
Al Haramlek is a brand for home accessories and women's wear. They are very ethnic and I felt also I actually told them that they reminded me of Hareem Al Sultan Series -not that I actually watch it-
I didn't really talk to Al Markaz booth, however this smart take on the bag really attracted me. I think that this tote will look really cute on casual days. 
Coterique had an awesome set-up as you can see, it looked very attractive and different than anything in the bazaar. 
This heavy Swarovski collection was in the MINT booth. They look really expensive and chic.
This is the tollie booth, the designer told me that 90% of the her work is hand made by her. 
Then Susan Sabet, Editor and Chief briefed us about the event and introduced the fabulous Elisa Sednaoui.
The beautiful Elisa Sednaoui talked about how happy she is to join the event and explained all about her new foundation. 
Then I took this quick selfie with the poster at the gate before leaving. 


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