
Saturday 29 March 2014

What to do on your first trip to the beauty store

So you decided to take the leap and buy yourself some makeup. You're tired of borrowing from your mom, older sister or even friends. Don't be afraid, it's not as terrifying as it looks. Congratulations! this is a great step in your life and you just decided to go through with it. As a beauty junkie, I have developed some tips and tricks that could help anybody with their first beauty store trip and make it easier. I would recommend going to someone more experienced, if they know more about makeup. Personally I love shopping beauty alone.

You must have have a plan of what you need and an estimated budget. You can get this budget estimate from stores online that sells make-up such as agzakhana.com and jumia.com. You are not going to buy the MAC brushes right away, so you have to know the basic products you will buy in order not to be distracted. Click Here to see how to start your own makeup kit as a beginner.

The store choice is very important. First of all avoid buying makeup online as a starter, because you probably aren't experienced to recognize your skin tone and needs via the mere screen of your computer. Second, don't be intimidated by the look of these stores like Mazaya or Sephora or Faces ... people might look a little snobbish in there, but they are there to help you.   The brands that they carry is really important because you might want to shop a certain brand that is not in the store you visit. I would recommend going to La Beaute in Egypt or a shopping mall like city stars or carrefour so you would find different stores carrying different brand in one place.

Don't get distracted by the beautiful stands or colors, I know they look so beautiful and probably calling your name. Focus on the items you need to buy, or you will ends up with 5 different lip product and out of budget to buy the foundation you went in to buy at first place *speaking from personal experience*. When you ask about products, the sales girl or guy will try to guide you to probably a more expensive one *sad truth*; that's why you have to focus on the product brand.

By reading blogs and watching YouTube -plus my experience-, I got to know how to choose the best shade and type for my skin from all makeup types. You can know that too, so you can choose the most suitable products for you. The sales person is not a beauty expert and probably thinks women like to look fair and flushes. I have had sales people recommend "lighter" shades and "illuminating" products for me forever, when all I bought was matte warm tones that suits my oily olive skin.

Enjoy your trip to the store. xx


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