
Monday 24 March 2014

Nivea deodorant Vs Bourjois deodorant

Deodorant is very important! If you know me at all, you know that I am obsessed with anything that smells good; a candle, a fragrance, shampoo, anything really. First and for most is me, I want to smell good even if I am not wearing any fragrance. In the quest of the perfect deodorant I have narrowed down my experience so far to two deodorants, Nivea antiperspirant 48 hours deodorant and Bourjois Paris antiperspirant 48 hours deodorant.
They kind of both promise follow the same concept, even the wording on the bottles as you can see are very similar.
The Magnolia blossom scent in Bourjois gives this kind of perfume like scent that gives a really nice breathe as soon as you put it on. It does seem kind of heavy when you smell the bottle, however on the clothes it doesn't smell heavy at all. On the other hand Nivea has a powdery fresh scent that is not perfume like at all, it just smells clean. Depends on my mood I would alter between liking both, currently I am more into the feel good and clean smell of Nivea more than the Bourjois perfumery scent. It's a Tay.
Staying Power
You can't really smell the Bourjois fragrance on you 30 minutes after spraying, however it doesn't allow you to smell bad. I never see yellow stains or white marks on my clothes after using both. Nivea stays for a while, especially if you spray it on a top and then wear a jacket over; when you take off your jacket you get to smell the fresh clean garden you are. So I give points to Nivea on this one.
I got this Bourjois Paris one @ 30 EGP and I got this Nivea one between 18 EGP 20 EGP. The difference doesn't really matter, however it's still a point to Nivea.
I like both packaging, but let's break it down a little bit. The Bourjois Paris one with it's golden ball and the mannequin detail on the bottom of the bottle makes it look a little but more expensive. I think that the purple look awesome cause it's one of my favorite colors. Marketing wise, the Nivea packaging delivers the message easily ... however I am not speaking as a marketer I am speaking as a girl. Nivea isn't seen as an expensive brand, but this minimalist look isn't making it look cheap at all. So this is kind of a TAY.
The Bourjois one gives you 200 ml and Nivea gives you 150 ml. To normal people it looks like it's a point to Bourjois, but having a twisted little mind like mine I calculated it. If I pay 30 EGP for 200 ml, then 1 ml = 15 PT and I pay 20 EGP for 150 ml, then 1 ml =13 PT which is still cheaper. I am not going to give points on this.

For me the Nivea one wins, I would recommend the Bourjois one as well to anybody who is into the perfumey deodorant. 


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