
Friday 14 March 2014

Blogging live from The Vanity

I have been reading her blog for almost one year right now, and I was lucky enough to win 2 sets from her Valentine's Giveaway. I met up with the blogger behind The Vanity Blog to get my giveaway and to interview her. I had a nice chat with her, she is such a cutie pie and she is very stylish. Her name is Ayat and she has been successfully running her blog for more than a year right now, she doing amazing street style for Hijab Girls and she is a beauty expert. I chatted with Ayat about fashion, beauty, blogging and her future plans. 

How did your love for Fashion & Beauty start?
I had a passion towards fashion since I was a kid, and then when I got veiled it was a little hard because the options for Hijab stylish outfits in Egypt are very little. I had to turn this around, I wanted to be a girl who wears stylish Hijab. As for beauty, since I was young I used to apply makeup on my friends and family. By the time I was 17, my talent for makeup really showed. 2 years ago when I was doing my premasters in the US, I took a professional makeup course, 

What motivated you to start your blog?
I started working on my blog in January 2013, I wanted to do something I am really passionate about. At one point I had some downfalls in my life and I thought what can I do in my life other than looking for a traditional Job. I started doing makeup artistry and fashion consulting, when I put these together I created my blog. 

What was the most exciting thing that happened to you since you started The Vanity?
Actually I had two very exciting things happen to me since I started my blog. First I was asked by Marie Claire Arabia as a permanent editor. Second I got VIP tickets for NYFW with YSL.
What was the hardest challenge you had to face since you started The Vanity?
 The most challenging thing about blogging is keeping your readers always interested by posting as regularly as possible. I achieve that by time management and scheduling my posts. 

Your blog started by focusing on beauty, now you focus on beauty and fashion .. how was that?
My friends always tell me that I am one of the most stylish people they see, Hijabi or non Hijabi girls. I was like why wouldn't I share my fashion advice with my readers.  

What do you think are the biggest misconceptions about beauty & fashion bloggers out there?
In the Middle East and especially in Egypt, people no idea what fashion blogging is. People are not aware of a lot of fashion terms and who are the bloggers and what they do. In general, People think we get free stuff all the time, it's true we get free stuff but we don't get it regularly. You have to start with your own stuff and then some company can send you a free item to review it, you consume time and effort to review these items, so it's that free after all. People also think that we have nothing to do, and that's so wrong. Me myself, I have a full time job other than blogging and I still dedicate time for my posts and shoots.
Who are your favorite bloggers?
For fashion, I love Tala Samman from MyFashDiary.
For beauty I love Chloe Morello and Fleur De Force from YouTube.

What do you think about the Fashion & Beauty blogging scene in the Middle East?
Actually I think fashion blogging is really booming like crazy in Dubai, unfortunately Egypt gets to catch up a little bit late with everything. I think what is booming right now with fashion in Egypt, the concept of #outfitoftheday on Instagram. Blogging as a concept I think will take sometime to flourish in Egypt. 

Can you give us some advice regarding Spring 2014 fashion?
Some of the trends are hard to follow in Egypt, because hot weather in Egypt starts with spring. The puffed jackets and quilted jackets are really in and can work a little bit for the next month. Pastels and floral prints are really in this spring, personally I have been wearing pastels for the last 2 years and I am really loving it.

How would you describe your personal Style?
One year ago I would have described my style as girly and cute, however I am starting to grow into fashion more. Currently my style is more lady like and feminine, but still sophisticated and chic. I would be wearing something to work and I can easily transition from work to evening outing.
What do you do when you're not blogging?
I work as an HR manager for one of the biggest media production companies in Egypt, I have to work till 6 PM all week long. In the weekends I always run my fashion shoots, I am also writing for Lady Bird MagazineWhat Women Want Magazine and Eve Talk Magazine. If I am not blogging for myself I blog for someone else. 

How do you manage to get a lot of stuff from abroad?
 I travel a lot, my friends and family travel a lot, so whenever I am or someone is abroad we make sure to do a lot of shopping for me. I also am trying a lot with online shopping and international shipping, however the costumes are a little bit harsh. I try to get over it by telling the company to replace my receipts with the discounted prices so that costumes would be a little bit easier.

Do you have an advice for anybody starting a new blog?
I have two pieces of advice actually. First, is to be really committed by always posting and keeping readers up to date. Second, is to be really passionate about what they do; if they don't have a passion towards fashion then what is the point?
What is your go to outfit If you are in a hurry?
In the winter I go for the jeans and a sweater with some loafers. In the summer, I get a little bit board so a go to outfit is hard. I think about the place I am going, if it's a quick place I would go with a t-shirt and a cotton pair of pants. If it's somewhere other than the super market, I love to through a floral print shirt on a pair of jeans.

What do you think is the best and worst quality when it comes to style & beauty in Egypt? 
It sort of depends on the social standard, however in makeup, Egyptians think that the whiter the better and the more colorful your blush is the more sexy you will look. All that is not true, makeup is about covering your flaws and highlighting your assets.
Lots of girls in Egypt don't dress their size, which ends up highlighting their body flaws. I love that some of the girls are starting to follow global fashion and take good care of that.
Are you preparing for something new currently?
You came in a very good time. I am preparing a surprise for my readers and it kind of confidential. I am doing something that will expand my readership by gender and by age. These are the exclusive hints I am giving for Chic Memoire.

You can stalk Ayat stylish life and posts on social media
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Thanks Hadeer, it has been a pleasure to meet you <3

thank you for everything Ayat <3 it was so great meeting you too :)

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