
Wednesday 12 March 2014

TMI tag

There is something called the TMI tag going on YouTube and I thought it is so fun to answer. It make readers know more and more about the blogger behind this blog. I think TMI as in Too Much Information; it not Too much at all. I changed it a little bit to suit blogger rather than YouTube and I think it's core is not changed. I think this is like 50 Facts About me, but it's guided with questions. I hope you know me better after reading this one.
And this photo is a total joke, in case you are wondering *grins*


1: What are you wearing? 
Ralph Lauren Black Knitted Sweater with Turquoise Jeans I got from a random Store in Maadi and Some cool flats from Shoe Mart. 
2: Ever been in love? 
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? 
Unfortunately, Yes
4: How tall are you? 
170 CM
5: How much do you weigh? 
114 KG
6: Any tattoos? 
7: Any piercings? 
I have my ears pierced and I have been on & off with my cartilage  
8: OTP? 
When it comes to fiction I think I like Lily & Marshal from "How I met your Mother"
9: Favorite show? 
I LOVE Seinfield, I also like Gossip Girl, 90210, pretty little liars, friends and How I met your Mother
10: Favorite bands? 
I love Mashrou' Leila, I love Nirvana and Radio Head also
11: Something you miss? 
I really miss college days and AIESEC
12: Favorite song?
I never have like a steady fav song, it really depends on my mood
13: How old are you? 
I am 22
14: Zodiac sign? 
I am a Scorpio 
15: Quality you look for in a partner? 
Love and ability to push each other forward
16: Favorite quote? 
"If success is an equation of "X+Y+Z" then X is working hard, Y is having fun and Z is keeping your mouth shut"
17: Favorite actor? 
I love Johnny Depp 
18: Favorite color? 
I would say Pink, however I love black and purple
19: Loud music or soft? 
Depends on my mood really :)
20: Where do you go when you're sad? 
My room 
21: How long does it take you to shower? 
If I am really showering I can take up to 30- 40 minutes, people think I am freaking dead there 
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
Usually I can get ready in 10 minutes or less, If I have like some time to put some makeup I would take around 15-20 
23: Ever been in a physical fight? 
Unfortunately Yes
24: Turn on?
25: Turn off? 
26: The reason I joined Blogger? 
I wanted a space where I can  share the stuff I love and my passion for all fashion and beauty stuff
27: Fears? 
Something bad happening to my close ones (Family and Close Friends) 
28: Last thing that made you cry? 
Reading about what Martyr Sajy Darwish's mom said .. may he rest in peace
29: Last time you said you loved someone? 
Yesterday to my best friend *grins* 
30: Meaning behind your blog Name? 
For the first couple of month it used to be named Style and Stuff then I felt like I am giving a dairy of my fashion and beauty daily life, and I really love the word Chic and I adore the word Memoire so I was like how about mix them.
31: Last book you read? 
"Talking about Jane Austin in Baghdad"
32: The book you're currently reading?
I am not reading anything now a days
33: Last show you watched? 
I think it was 30 Rock
34: Last person you talked to? 
My mom
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 
My best friend
36: Favorite food? 
I don't have a Fav food, I love Indian food, love Chinese, love sushi & sashimi ... so Asian cuisine basically, I love pizzas, pasta and burgers too. I love broccoli which is not common. 
37: Place you want to visit?
I want to visit Milan one day
38: Last place you were? 
Place as in Country : India
Place as in Place: I was in a coffee shop near my house
39: Do you have a crush?
40: Last time you kissed someone? 
This morning I gave my mama a smooch 
41: Last time you were insulted? 
I don't remember
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? 
I love cream cheese
43: What instruments do you play??
I used to know how to play a couple of notes on the piano, however now I forgot them
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
Not really a favorites person, depends on my mood
45: Last sport you played? 
46: Last song you sang? 
I don't know about you but I am feeling 22, I have no idea what name is that song I think it's named 22
47: Favorite chat up line?
Hi I guess *grins* 
48: Have you ever used it?
I guess
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? 
I hang out with my mom last night
50: Favorite Movie?
I love Alice in Wonderland and I also love other movies like The curious case of Benjamin Button, Mr Nobody, Shaw shank Redemption, Chocolate .. I love movies :D


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