
Saturday 29 March 2014

What to do on your first trip to the beauty store

So you decided to take the leap and buy yourself some makeup. You're tired of borrowing from your mom, older sister or even friends. Don't be afraid, it's not as terrifying as it looks. Congratulations! this is a great step in your life and you just decided to go through with it. As a beauty junkie, I have developed some tips and tricks that could help anybody with their first beauty store trip and make it easier. I would recommend going to someone more experienced, if they know more about makeup. Personally I love shopping beauty alone.

You must have have a plan of what you need and an estimated budget. You can get this budget estimate from stores online that sells make-up such as agzakhana.com and jumia.com. You are not going to buy the MAC brushes right away, so you have to know the basic products you will buy in order not to be distracted. Click Here to see how to start your own makeup kit as a beginner.

The store choice is very important. First of all avoid buying makeup online as a starter, because you probably aren't experienced to recognize your skin tone and needs via the mere screen of your computer. Second, don't be intimidated by the look of these stores like Mazaya or Sephora or Faces ... people might look a little snobbish in there, but they are there to help you.   The brands that they carry is really important because you might want to shop a certain brand that is not in the store you visit. I would recommend going to La Beaute in Egypt or a shopping mall like city stars or carrefour so you would find different stores carrying different brand in one place.

Don't get distracted by the beautiful stands or colors, I know they look so beautiful and probably calling your name. Focus on the items you need to buy, or you will ends up with 5 different lip product and out of budget to buy the foundation you went in to buy at first place *speaking from personal experience*. When you ask about products, the sales girl or guy will try to guide you to probably a more expensive one *sad truth*; that's why you have to focus on the product brand.

By reading blogs and watching YouTube -plus my experience-, I got to know how to choose the best shade and type for my skin from all makeup types. You can know that too, so you can choose the most suitable products for you. The sales person is not a beauty expert and probably thinks women like to look fair and flushes. I have had sales people recommend "lighter" shades and "illuminating" products for me forever, when all I bought was matte warm tones that suits my oily olive skin.

Enjoy your trip to the store. xx

Thursday 27 March 2014

Oriflame eyelash curler review

I have been obsessed with curling my lashes for quite a while now, click here to read about lash curlers. I found the Oriflame eyelash curler for 15 EGP after my consultant discount, this insane bargain made me buy it right away. It’s regular metallic mechanical lash curler, nothing crazy or heated. I started curling my lashes regularly since then, here is my review over this curler.
Here is an eye swatch before and after curling my lashes. PS: I don’t even have any mascara on

The Good:
You've seen the swatch, it’s like you have natural mascara on. Curling the lashes very easy and quick. I have had people telling me that lash curlers will hurt my lids or they will make my lashes fall, not one of these things were true with my Oriflame eyelash curler. It’s very easy to carry around.

The Bad:
When I first got it had it had 2 purple rubber pieces covering the handle, as you can see now they are gone. I don’t really care about the rubber handles that much, however they did fall out unexpectedly. Well this one is more of an advice, it catches mascara bits and pieces and line them, and so if you don’t clean it regularly you will get smudges all over your eyes. You need mascara to hold the curl, because the curl doesn't hold itself for too long; however I guess this is the way most curlers are.

The Ugly:
The top metal part actually got detached from it's place, leaveing the curling end tilted. I have to put it back into its place every time I curl my lashes. 

I wouldn't recommend buying it, if you like to keep an eyelash curler in your purse. It's very cheap so it can be a good affordable tool on your vanity. 

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Style Profile: Amna Abdel Rahman

Hijab is a beautiful religious tradition, it can be done very gracefully and very stylish as well. Today's Style Profile belongs to the stylish Amna Abdel Rahman. Amna is an Egyptian 22 year old aspiring fashion designer. As a Hijabi girl, Amna is a major style inspiration. I wanted to showcase her most stylish outfits in order to give you all Hijabi girls out there inspirations. She loves mixing traveling with fashion, the outcome is beautiful I promise. Why does Amna Turn Heads with her style? here is why ...

Chic Safari
Harem Pants: Indian
Combat Boots: Timberland
Silver Necklace: Indian 
Parka Jacket: Benetton
Scarf on the neck: Algerian
Turban Scarf: Tie Shop
Grey Top: H&M
My Personal Style ...
I can define it as spontaneous ,whatever I like I just wear it. I never get attached to rules in style. Studying fashion really helped me to put no rules while getting dressed.

Metal Accents Doll
High Waist Skirt: Amna's Design
Cream Lace Top: H&M
Turban Scarf: Tie Shop
Clutch: Top Shop
Metal Accessories: Accessories Booth in Maadi
Color Burst
Acid Wash Jeans: Cheap Shop in Down Town Cairo
Green Top: Zaafran Cotton Wear
Long Cardigan: OR
Combat Boots: Timberland
Turban Scarf: Tie Shop
Scarf on Shoulders: Street Market in Aswan, Egypt
Yellow Necklace: Street Market in Aswan, Egypt
And that's how the Market looks like ....
My Shopping ...
I shop everywhere; even in local random shops in downtown Cairo. I love shopping even in the cheapest markets. I think I can find at least a good piece that will help me to get good outfit.

Stylish Librarian
 High Waist Pants: Amna's Design
Patent Leather Belt: Center Point
Turban Scarf: Tie Shop
Emerald Green Top: Amna's Design
Scarf on Neck: Saudi Arabia
My Style Inspiration ..
I love stylish pharaoh Egyptian queens, and the African beauty with its floral colorful fabrics. The Indian scarves, turbans and colors.
Effortless Chic
Acid Wash Jeans: Cheap Shop in Down Town Cairo
Scarf on the Neck: Terranova
Long Pendent: Al Hussain, Old Cairo
Turban Scarf: Tie Shop
Cream Knit Sweater: Vero Moda
White Shirt: Wave
My Favorite Fashion Icons ...
If I had to choose an icon, it would be Lupita nyong'o because she broke the rules. I also should mention blogger Ascia AKF, I am a big fan of her outfits as a veiled woman. My top 3 designers are Naiem Khan, Azza Fahmy and Sami Amin.

Fashionable Traveler
Acid Wash Jeans: Cheap Shop in Down Town Cairo
Combat Boots: Timberland
Watermelon Top: Zaafran Cotton Wear
Huge Leather Bag(Second Hand): Street Market in Aswan, Egypt
Neck Scarf: Tie Shop
Accessories: Al Hussain
Turban Scarf: Tie Shop

My Signature Pieces ..
As you see in most of my outfits I use turbans -those different head wrap styles-, these can turn your outfit upside down. I am a big necklaces maniac and also those silver rings with colorful stones and pharaoh drawings .. also I am so in love with jumpsuits, although it doesn’t always fit my body.

For more Hijabista Stylish Inspiration you can Stalk Amna on Instagram Right Here
You know that Amna creates her own turban tie from regular scarves .. check out the technique Here

Monday 24 March 2014

Nivea deodorant Vs Bourjois deodorant

Deodorant is very important! If you know me at all, you know that I am obsessed with anything that smells good; a candle, a fragrance, shampoo, anything really. First and for most is me, I want to smell good even if I am not wearing any fragrance. In the quest of the perfect deodorant I have narrowed down my experience so far to two deodorants, Nivea antiperspirant 48 hours deodorant and Bourjois Paris antiperspirant 48 hours deodorant.
They kind of both promise follow the same concept, even the wording on the bottles as you can see are very similar.
The Magnolia blossom scent in Bourjois gives this kind of perfume like scent that gives a really nice breathe as soon as you put it on. It does seem kind of heavy when you smell the bottle, however on the clothes it doesn't smell heavy at all. On the other hand Nivea has a powdery fresh scent that is not perfume like at all, it just smells clean. Depends on my mood I would alter between liking both, currently I am more into the feel good and clean smell of Nivea more than the Bourjois perfumery scent. It's a Tay.
Staying Power
You can't really smell the Bourjois fragrance on you 30 minutes after spraying, however it doesn't allow you to smell bad. I never see yellow stains or white marks on my clothes after using both. Nivea stays for a while, especially if you spray it on a top and then wear a jacket over; when you take off your jacket you get to smell the fresh clean garden you are. So I give points to Nivea on this one.
I got this Bourjois Paris one @ 30 EGP and I got this Nivea one between 18 EGP 20 EGP. The difference doesn't really matter, however it's still a point to Nivea.
I like both packaging, but let's break it down a little bit. The Bourjois Paris one with it's golden ball and the mannequin detail on the bottom of the bottle makes it look a little but more expensive. I think that the purple look awesome cause it's one of my favorite colors. Marketing wise, the Nivea packaging delivers the message easily ... however I am not speaking as a marketer I am speaking as a girl. Nivea isn't seen as an expensive brand, but this minimalist look isn't making it look cheap at all. So this is kind of a TAY.
The Bourjois one gives you 200 ml and Nivea gives you 150 ml. To normal people it looks like it's a point to Bourjois, but having a twisted little mind like mine I calculated it. If I pay 30 EGP for 200 ml, then 1 ml = 15 PT and I pay 20 EGP for 150 ml, then 1 ml =13 PT which is still cheaper. I am not going to give points on this.

For me the Nivea one wins, I would recommend the Bourjois one as well to anybody who is into the perfumey deodorant. 

Saturday 15 March 2014

I won The Vanity giveaway

They say some people are lucky in love and some are lucky in games, I think I am lucky in beauty. The lovely blogger behind The Vanity ran a very generous Valentine's Giveaway  and I was one of the winners. Check out my exclusive interview with Ayat for more about the fabulous blog. I am so excited about the giveaway and I want to thank Ayat so much for her amazing taste and generosity in her giveaway. It was so sweet of Ayat to wrap everything in a nice purple wrap. I wanted to share with you guys what I got. 
Here is everything I got from Ayat. I won 2 sets out of original 4, Lips & cheeks set and skin set.
Bourjois BB gloss 5 in 1 in 2 shades, 01 & 02. It applicator is a brush not a sponge and I already love it for that. It says in gives fresh glow, protection, hydration, smoothing and crystal shine. 
Amazing lippy butter London in the shade Alcopop. It's a bright pink liquid lipstick, very barbie like. 
This liquid lip color rom The Body Shop in the shade 02. It is a gloss fluid, the shade is this shimmery nudish color and the sponge tilted applicator. 
Benefiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!!! Georgia face powder, it's a limited edition peach powder that radiates sunshine. It's in this packaging made from card board packaging and the brush Handel is wooden. 
Bourjois paris fabulous bronzing mousse, it's an instant fake tanner in mousse form for face & body. I am so excited about this because I have never tried fake tanners and this is my chance. It says that it achieves a sun kissed look for all day wear. 
Spa Sister butter foot with sugar and olive oil, it's this pink cream in a very thick consistency. It says that you apply it on your foot after bathing for soft and smooth skin. 
The Vitamin E moisture serum from The Body Shop, it's a pre-moisturizer treatment to protect from environmental elements. It has Tara bush seed and community trade honey. 
The Vitamin E illuminating moisture cream for all skin type from The Body Shop. It gives luminous moisture. It gives a healthy-looking glow with a soft smooth skin. 
The Body Shop Vitamin E eye cream, it helps reduces fine lines, puffiness and black circles. I am so excited to try this, after I had a not too good experience with the under eye roller from Garneir. 

That's everything I got, it feel like a haul for me and I am so excited to try everything. xx

Friday 14 March 2014

Blogging live from The Vanity

I have been reading her blog for almost one year right now, and I was lucky enough to win 2 sets from her Valentine's Giveaway. I met up with the blogger behind The Vanity Blog to get my giveaway and to interview her. I had a nice chat with her, she is such a cutie pie and she is very stylish. Her name is Ayat and she has been successfully running her blog for more than a year right now, she doing amazing street style for Hijab Girls and she is a beauty expert. I chatted with Ayat about fashion, beauty, blogging and her future plans. 

How did your love for Fashion & Beauty start?
I had a passion towards fashion since I was a kid, and then when I got veiled it was a little hard because the options for Hijab stylish outfits in Egypt are very little. I had to turn this around, I wanted to be a girl who wears stylish Hijab. As for beauty, since I was young I used to apply makeup on my friends and family. By the time I was 17, my talent for makeup really showed. 2 years ago when I was doing my premasters in the US, I took a professional makeup course, 

What motivated you to start your blog?
I started working on my blog in January 2013, I wanted to do something I am really passionate about. At one point I had some downfalls in my life and I thought what can I do in my life other than looking for a traditional Job. I started doing makeup artistry and fashion consulting, when I put these together I created my blog. 

What was the most exciting thing that happened to you since you started The Vanity?
Actually I had two very exciting things happen to me since I started my blog. First I was asked by Marie Claire Arabia as a permanent editor. Second I got VIP tickets for NYFW with YSL.
What was the hardest challenge you had to face since you started The Vanity?
 The most challenging thing about blogging is keeping your readers always interested by posting as regularly as possible. I achieve that by time management and scheduling my posts. 

Your blog started by focusing on beauty, now you focus on beauty and fashion .. how was that?
My friends always tell me that I am one of the most stylish people they see, Hijabi or non Hijabi girls. I was like why wouldn't I share my fashion advice with my readers.  

What do you think are the biggest misconceptions about beauty & fashion bloggers out there?
In the Middle East and especially in Egypt, people no idea what fashion blogging is. People are not aware of a lot of fashion terms and who are the bloggers and what they do. In general, People think we get free stuff all the time, it's true we get free stuff but we don't get it regularly. You have to start with your own stuff and then some company can send you a free item to review it, you consume time and effort to review these items, so it's that free after all. People also think that we have nothing to do, and that's so wrong. Me myself, I have a full time job other than blogging and I still dedicate time for my posts and shoots.
Who are your favorite bloggers?
For fashion, I love Tala Samman from MyFashDiary.
For beauty I love Chloe Morello and Fleur De Force from YouTube.

What do you think about the Fashion & Beauty blogging scene in the Middle East?
Actually I think fashion blogging is really booming like crazy in Dubai, unfortunately Egypt gets to catch up a little bit late with everything. I think what is booming right now with fashion in Egypt, the concept of #outfitoftheday on Instagram. Blogging as a concept I think will take sometime to flourish in Egypt. 

Can you give us some advice regarding Spring 2014 fashion?
Some of the trends are hard to follow in Egypt, because hot weather in Egypt starts with spring. The puffed jackets and quilted jackets are really in and can work a little bit for the next month. Pastels and floral prints are really in this spring, personally I have been wearing pastels for the last 2 years and I am really loving it.

How would you describe your personal Style?
One year ago I would have described my style as girly and cute, however I am starting to grow into fashion more. Currently my style is more lady like and feminine, but still sophisticated and chic. I would be wearing something to work and I can easily transition from work to evening outing.
What do you do when you're not blogging?
I work as an HR manager for one of the biggest media production companies in Egypt, I have to work till 6 PM all week long. In the weekends I always run my fashion shoots, I am also writing for Lady Bird MagazineWhat Women Want Magazine and Eve Talk Magazine. If I am not blogging for myself I blog for someone else. 

How do you manage to get a lot of stuff from abroad?
 I travel a lot, my friends and family travel a lot, so whenever I am or someone is abroad we make sure to do a lot of shopping for me. I also am trying a lot with online shopping and international shipping, however the costumes are a little bit harsh. I try to get over it by telling the company to replace my receipts with the discounted prices so that costumes would be a little bit easier.

Do you have an advice for anybody starting a new blog?
I have two pieces of advice actually. First, is to be really committed by always posting and keeping readers up to date. Second, is to be really passionate about what they do; if they don't have a passion towards fashion then what is the point?
What is your go to outfit If you are in a hurry?
In the winter I go for the jeans and a sweater with some loafers. In the summer, I get a little bit board so a go to outfit is hard. I think about the place I am going, if it's a quick place I would go with a t-shirt and a cotton pair of pants. If it's somewhere other than the super market, I love to through a floral print shirt on a pair of jeans.

What do you think is the best and worst quality when it comes to style & beauty in Egypt? 
It sort of depends on the social standard, however in makeup, Egyptians think that the whiter the better and the more colorful your blush is the more sexy you will look. All that is not true, makeup is about covering your flaws and highlighting your assets.
Lots of girls in Egypt don't dress their size, which ends up highlighting their body flaws. I love that some of the girls are starting to follow global fashion and take good care of that.
Are you preparing for something new currently?
You came in a very good time. I am preparing a surprise for my readers and it kind of confidential. I am doing something that will expand my readership by gender and by age. These are the exclusive hints I am giving for Chic Memoire.

You can stalk Ayat stylish life and posts on social media
Instagram  TwitterFacebook and Bloglovin xx

Thursday 13 March 2014

Stylish Younger Siblings

You know we have all been watching stylish celebs flaunt their ways everywhere from red carpets to photo shoots and even street style. You must admit, celebs are trend setters and what they wear becomes cool a second later. Years pass so freaking fast and you find your celeb style icons getting into different phases, then the sibling effect kicks in. I have collected the scoop about 7 stylish younger siblings, to their celeb style icons older siblings. They might even be stealing the show.

At number 6 we have Ali Lohan .. younger sister of Lindsay Lohan
Ali is younger than Lindsay with 7 years, making her practically from another generation. 
Ali has a little bit of both worlds, some kind of a tom boyish sex appeal and fantastic haute couture. 

At number 5 we have Nicky Hilton .. younger sister of Paris Hilton
Nicky Hilton is a fashion designer, an actual talent I may say. Her style is much more polished and lady like than her older sister. 
Nickey is known for her love for trench coats and classic taste, she always adds some twists but nothing too vulgar. 

At number 4 we have Lottie Moss .. younger sister of Kate Moss
She is freaking old enough to be her mom, however they are sister at the end of the day. Kate Moss is 40 and Lottie Moss is 16.
She is now a model, wohoooooooo. It's kind of hard to define her style, because it's a photo shoot at the end of the day. She looks so cute and I think she has more natural beauty. 

At number 3 we have Elizabeth Olsen .. younger sister of Mary-Kate & Ashlee Olsen
I wonder how is it like to grow up with all the focus on your older twin sister, well it's not too bad considering you are much taller and kind of prettier than them. Elizbeth Olsen is just 2 years younger than Mary Kate & Ashlee Olsen. 
She looks more grown up honestly, with no boho chic sign I guess she wanted to rebel in her own way. Elizabeth's style is so chic, feminine and  classic. 

At number 2 & 1 Kylie and Kendall Jenner .. younger sisters of the Kardashian sisters 
The Kurvy & Konfident Kardashian trio are getting older and way too dramatic, the fresh Jenner faces are making much more hits when it comes to style. 
At first, you could see it Kris was trying to dress them like their older sisters. K & K took another turn with edgy style and went more their age, they are totally less curvy that the older batch; however  I think they are much more natural. 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

TMI tag

There is something called the TMI tag going on YouTube and I thought it is so fun to answer. It make readers know more and more about the blogger behind this blog. I think TMI as in Too Much Information; it not Too much at all. I changed it a little bit to suit blogger rather than YouTube and I think it's core is not changed. I think this is like 50 Facts About me, but it's guided with questions. I hope you know me better after reading this one.
And this photo is a total joke, in case you are wondering *grins*


1: What are you wearing? 
Ralph Lauren Black Knitted Sweater with Turquoise Jeans I got from a random Store in Maadi and Some cool flats from Shoe Mart. 
2: Ever been in love? 
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? 
Unfortunately, Yes
4: How tall are you? 
170 CM
5: How much do you weigh? 
114 KG
6: Any tattoos? 
7: Any piercings? 
I have my ears pierced and I have been on & off with my cartilage  
8: OTP? 
When it comes to fiction I think I like Lily & Marshal from "How I met your Mother"
9: Favorite show? 
I LOVE Seinfield, I also like Gossip Girl, 90210, pretty little liars, friends and How I met your Mother
10: Favorite bands? 
I love Mashrou' Leila, I love Nirvana and Radio Head also
11: Something you miss? 
I really miss college days and AIESEC
12: Favorite song?
I never have like a steady fav song, it really depends on my mood
13: How old are you? 
I am 22
14: Zodiac sign? 
I am a Scorpio 
15: Quality you look for in a partner? 
Love and ability to push each other forward
16: Favorite quote? 
"If success is an equation of "X+Y+Z" then X is working hard, Y is having fun and Z is keeping your mouth shut"
17: Favorite actor? 
I love Johnny Depp 
18: Favorite color? 
I would say Pink, however I love black and purple
19: Loud music or soft? 
Depends on my mood really :)
20: Where do you go when you're sad? 
My room 
21: How long does it take you to shower? 
If I am really showering I can take up to 30- 40 minutes, people think I am freaking dead there 
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? 
Usually I can get ready in 10 minutes or less, If I have like some time to put some makeup I would take around 15-20 
23: Ever been in a physical fight? 
Unfortunately Yes
24: Turn on?
25: Turn off? 
26: The reason I joined Blogger? 
I wanted a space where I can  share the stuff I love and my passion for all fashion and beauty stuff
27: Fears? 
Something bad happening to my close ones (Family and Close Friends) 
28: Last thing that made you cry? 
Reading about what Martyr Sajy Darwish's mom said .. may he rest in peace
29: Last time you said you loved someone? 
Yesterday to my best friend *grins* 
30: Meaning behind your blog Name? 
For the first couple of month it used to be named Style and Stuff then I felt like I am giving a dairy of my fashion and beauty daily life, and I really love the word Chic and I adore the word Memoire so I was like how about mix them.
31: Last book you read? 
"Talking about Jane Austin in Baghdad"
32: The book you're currently reading?
I am not reading anything now a days
33: Last show you watched? 
I think it was 30 Rock
34: Last person you talked to? 
My mom
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? 
My best friend
36: Favorite food? 
I don't have a Fav food, I love Indian food, love Chinese, love sushi & sashimi ... so Asian cuisine basically, I love pizzas, pasta and burgers too. I love broccoli which is not common. 
37: Place you want to visit?
I want to visit Milan one day
38: Last place you were? 
Place as in Country : India
Place as in Place: I was in a coffee shop near my house
39: Do you have a crush?
40: Last time you kissed someone? 
This morning I gave my mama a smooch 
41: Last time you were insulted? 
I don't remember
42: Favorite flavor of sweet? 
I love cream cheese
43: What instruments do you play??
I used to know how to play a couple of notes on the piano, however now I forgot them
44: Favorite piece of jewelry?
Not really a favorites person, depends on my mood
45: Last sport you played? 
46: Last song you sang? 
I don't know about you but I am feeling 22, I have no idea what name is that song I think it's named 22
47: Favorite chat up line?
Hi I guess *grins* 
48: Have you ever used it?
I guess
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? 
I hang out with my mom last night
50: Favorite Movie?
I love Alice in Wonderland and I also love other movies like The curious case of Benjamin Button, Mr Nobody, Shaw shank Redemption, Chocolate .. I love movies :D

Saturday 8 March 2014

Floral Grunge

I am a huge fan of mismatching, whenever there is a style that is like forbidden to be worn with another style I have to try them together. I believe that opposites attract and we shouldn't be too closed minded when it comes to fashion. There is this abundant place in my backyard that I feel like it's very messy and create a grungy theme for any picture. 
This long Cardigan is so 90's and I think we have established that I love 90's fashion and I want it to come back. Since grunge is such a 90's theme I thought this crazy location is best suit for this outfit.
I am crazy about this top, it's great with this boyfriend jeans. It's floral tight and feminine with a baggy boyish jeans, it's just mismatching heaven happening over here. 
This outfit can be great for a day or evening, I can wear this If I am out with my girl friends or even a casual date. 
I think this Indian necklace adds a little bit of tribal edge to the outfit, which is like very grunge. 
I paired my favorite ankle booties with this outfit. They chunky heel adds some sophistication, however it doesn't make it look too feminine or anything. 
Outfit Details:
Floral Top: H&M
Long Cardigan: Splash
Boyfriend Jeans: Random Store in Maadi
Ankle Booties: Zara
Necklace: Al Hussain 


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