
Sunday 10 March 2013

Interview with the vegetarian

We've all heard of the vegetarian diet effects, how amazing it is for your body to be vegetarian and most of us have read skinny bitch and know what I am talking about. If we're always protesting for faux fur and dissing real fur for how cruel it is for the animals to be slaughtered, wouldn't the same be applied to genuine leather and oh yeah, feathers. Whether I am pro or anti vegetarianism, I have to think about the concept. Also I have to dig into the real deal. So one of my good friends her name is Sama, is now a vegetarian; she lost 5 kilos since she started being a vegetarian and she's happy about it. Sama decided to spill the beans for "Style & Stuff" in this interview; If you're planning to be a vegetarian or just curious like me about the whole topic, this shall be interesting.

Sama being herself 
  • So How long have you been a vegetarian?
  • Since the end of October'12, that's around 4 and a half months 
  • Why did the idea start coming to you?
  • The idea was at the back of my head around 2 years ago, I never took actual step but last feast "3eed Al Ad7a" I decided I should go for it.
  • What made you go for it?
  • Various Reasons; Animal rights - the way they are slaughtered and i think animals are more than food to human beings; I just believe that people who eat living beings tend to be crueler as well and also for some health related reasons
  • Did you think about the mighty scary "not enough protein"?
  • I am lacto-vegetarian, that means I drink milk and I eat cheese which has protien in it. I eat beans as well. 
  • What annoys you the most in the society rants about vegetarianism?
  • They always turn it into a joke, and that I am against "human nature" and they always use religion to defend their opinions. 
  • Do you think religion has anything to do with it?
  • They just say it's already "7alal", so I am like making the "7alal" illegitimate.
  • How did the process go for you? does it have to do with weight loss?
  • Well, at the beginning I didn't know what to eat, I wanted to feel full; so I started bad habits as in consuming huge amounts of bread and french fries. When I started to see what should I eat, I found out that before being vegan; I rarely consumed veggies or fruits also I rarely drank milk. I organized my meals, so I lost weight. I feel that my digestive system is better.
  • How so?
  • I always used to suffer from colon's pain, it was constant; now it's much less that before.
  • I always start doing things then I start reading about it!! so When did you start reading about vegetarianism?
  • I started then I began reading; that was the reason I developed bad habits at the beginning.
  • So do you eat fish, or like any sea creatures?
  • I used to eat it, but for the last month No. I am trying to prevent it as well.
  • Dare I ask ... Do you miss the food, all the meat and stuff?
  • Sometimes I miss Chicken panee, but my real challenge is fish and shrimps actually.
  • What do you do when that happens?
  • The same thing what I am in a diet, I shift my focus as much as I can LOL.
  • Do you think you'll remain a vegetarian forever?
  • I hope so. I think the first couple of months was the real challenge; Now I got used to it.

I love how Sama is doing it, she's not like one of these superficial girls who only want to go with trends and would dig their teeth into the nearest stake when they get the chance. Sama is also not one of these extreme people who would start dissing people just cause they have different beliefs. I hope that was beneficial for you all who are curious about vegetarianism.


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