
Monday 21 October 2013

Cardio 101

You have probably heard how Cardio will help you in your weight loss journey. Regular Cardio will reduce body weight, cholesterol and blood pressure. It is suggested to have from 20 to 40 minutes of Cardio for 5 to 6 days a week at medium to high intensity to see results.

One's heart level during Cardio is a good measuring tool. During the Cardio, you shall measure your heart level. For fat burning you need to reach between 60% and 70% of your maximum heart rate. 
Calories burned in this zone are mostly taken directly from body fat, keeping your heart rate within this stage for 30 minutes will be most effective.  

How to measure heart level:
A simple way to calculate your maximum heart level is by subtracting you age from 220, for Example I would be 220 - 21 = 199 , for me to be in the fat burning zone I need to achieve between 199*0.6 = 119 and 199 * 0.7 = 139. To measure the heart rate, you either place your fingers on the side of your neck for 15 seconds, you can also have a heart rate monitor, there is also the heart rate mobile application which is not the most reliable source, however it's easier.  

How to start:
You are not going to fall in love with the activity if you were a complete coach potato like me when I started, it will be hard at first. What will hurt so much today, it will hurt less in a week or 10 days so don't worry about that. Choose something that you feel ok with or maybe like, most importantly something that is realistic for you. For example: If you live in Egypt, country skying won't be the best option for you cause you actually will need snow. Choose the days you will exercise and rest. If you have a 9 - 5 job like me, most likely you will get your workout after work so keep that in mind. Keep a schedule for working out and don't mess it up, I have mine on clip board in my room. Start with 15 - 20 minutes then aim high till you right 50 to 60 minutes. Always start light the first 5 minutes are for warming up and the last 5 minutes are for cooling down. Add a stretching routine after your Cardio to avoid severe pain and injuries. 

Cardio Workouts:
So that sounds great, what are examples of Cardio Exercises? Here is the list of 10 Cardio Exercises and how much calories do they burn. 
1) Running/ Jogging:
You will notice that your heart rate gets faster as soon as you start which means running or jogging is more effective. It's easy to do, since you can just run in a club's track or on the treadmill or even in the street. All the equipment you need is your running shoes and you are good to go. a 30 Minutes run can burn at least 300 calories.
2) Cycling:
That is the most enjoyable in my opinion, it takes me back to childhood memories. Outdoors cycling is very refreshing, however with the horrible roads we have in Egypt - and let's face it the people-; outdoor cycling can be restricted to those who live in private compounds. You can get your own stationary bike at home, work it in the gym or try a cycling class for a fun experience with your friends. 30 minutes will burn between 300 and 500 calories depending on your speed.
That is the easiest one of them all and the best if you want to go from no exercise at all to regular Cardio very easily. It is also if you have experienced an injury lately like myself. You need to do speed walking to reach your desired heart rate levels. The 30 Minutes walk can burn between 150 and 200 calories, just like that.
Both these games are very similar when it comes to effects as a workout and sort of similar in their moves. Tennis is more of an outdoor sports where you are facing your opponent while Squash is indoors. It's fun because you have a partner, there is the whole challenge part and you're actually playing a game. Your average 30 minutes game will burn you between 300 and 400 calories.
When you swim, you exercise your whole body with less chances of any injury. If you are just swimming for fun, 30 minutes will burn you 200 calories. A butterfly or a breast stroke for 30 minutes will burn 300 calories. Swimming is fun, however you do need a clean pool to train.
6)Kick Boxing / Marshal Arts:\
Just make sure you don't get injured and that you have a professional trainer who actually asks you about your weight and history, I am speaking of experience here. It can burn between 350 and 400 calories in 30 minutes. While it's more fun to do it with a partner, the violence can be a turn off to most people so having a dummy or punching bags to train with can be a good alternative. 
7)Elliptical Trainer: 
You can buy one for a full body workout at home or just work it in the gym. The great thing about Elliptical trainer is that you can go forward and backward with your training, letting you have more fun and give your body different workouts. a 30 minutes workout burns 300 calories. 
8)Zumba Dancing:
It's fun, it's sexy and it burns calories. I will have a whole post about Zumba very soon, as I personally have tried it. Any dancing will be fun especially when being done in groups, Zumba is a mix between hip hop and Latin dance. a 30 minutes Zumba dancing class will burn you between 200 and 300 calories.
9)Rope Jumping:
That one is a killer, it gets your heart rate up so fast and it's sort of fun. While my balance is not good enough to have a whole workout based on rope jumping, I do enjoy it a little bit. 30 minutes of easy pace will burn you 300 calories, while intense pace will burn between 450 and 500 calories. 
It is not common, however it sure as hell burns. You can get a rowing machine to work on it or you can actually start training for rowing. We actually do have a rowing club in Egypt and our Nile is the resource, it gives great arms as well. The fresh air helps a lot in making it more fun. 200 - 300 calories can be burned during 30 minutes of rowing. 

Always remember that nothing will give results without clean eating and patience, choose your fav cardio and start scheduling now. 


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