
Friday 6 September 2013

My perfect Imperfections

I have seen this idea as a tag on you-tube started by one my favorite you-tubers Andrea's Choice. The whole idea is mentioning a list of random imperfect things about oneself and mentioning some of your favorite things about you. Since we're always blogging about perfecting our outer appearance, I think this blog shows how we all have imperfections. I believe that it shows that nobody is perfect and that's why we're all unique. I know that my constant readers know that I am sick, however I don't think sickness is an imperfection; so we're not gonna be talking about that. I am also working on getting fit and losing my extra weight, however that's something that I can change, this post is about these things I have to kinda live with. These are all physical features, let us boost that confidence. not Get your freak on! *winks*

Perfect Imperfections:

1) When I was about 5 or so I had an accident that led to a scar in my eyebrows. So basically people who don't know me think I made it on purpose and some people actually think it's cool. While I do fill in my brows whenever I am going for a dramatic look, I still know that there is a scar underneath. It also makes me unable to play with the shape of my eyebrows that much, that's why I am always laying low on the brows. Every time I change my salon, I am like that challenging customer. Also I always get "did you get that made?" question, and on the bright side it does look made. so yeah :) lol

2) That's gonna sound hilarious but I have it. My ear helix doesn't like open just all normal human beings, and that makes a problem for me when i get a piercing in that area. It does have a good side to it, cause my ears are like small and they look neat and I actually like how small my ears are.

3) My hands are like man hand fingers! *Regina George moment* LOL. My hands are not freakishly big hands or anything they're great I keep them soft and happy, also they have dimples like baby hands which is cute. My fingers are long and wide which causes two problems, fake nails look really fake on my fingers and it's not an easy job to find rings. Having minimal stacked rings doesn't look good on my hand.

4) I bruise like a peach. It's like I spend 5% of my week wondering how did I get that bruise or scratch and it's always annoying cause I discover them through the pain. The scares of my bruises and scratches don't usually last, however few of them didn't go for a long time like more than one year and that's the annoying part about it. My mom is an antique fanatic so whenever I am walking clueless at the house as usual I bump into stuff and I am like hello new pain.

5) Let me clarify that I hate these things called beauty marks, maybe they work on some people; my mom seems to be in love with hers but I am not. I have three evil so called beauty marks, thank goo that they are invisible because they are so little, I cover up in foundation and they're not like out there like in the cheek or something. I have one beauty mark on the side of my face behind my brows and two even more tiny on my nose. I used to obsesses about them when I was in high school cause I wasn't big on makeup back then, that I got nose piercing to create a distraction from them, now I don't even notice them.

Favorite Features:

1) My mouth :D it sounds weird, however I am in love with my mouth and everything about it. I wouldn't change anything about my teeth, lips and smile. I always get compliments on how beautiful my smile is, some people would actually ask me if I got a lips plastic surgery to make my lips full and pink like this and I am like well, If I can afford this I would get a Chanel quilted bag instead. I always advice everyone not to smoke so they can have healthy lifestyle and great mouths.

2) My body shape not weight to clarify. I am an hour glassed shape lady and I have to say I am loving every bit of it. I think that having proportions like these looks very feminine and always grantees curves.My body shape allows me to wear many types of clothing.

3) My nose, I had this belief and I still have it a little bit that I should be a sunglasses model cause my nose and mouth always look good. My nose is like the same size and shape since like 5th grade which is great. People mistake me for a Latina and most of the time it's because of my nose. I still conture just to get that vavavom glam look, however I am really in love with my nose.

4) My legs shape, I am absolutely blessed with my legs. Whatever amount of weight I put on or lose my legs keep their shape, the calves never get too wobbly or anything. Having medium rounded legs is great because any know length skirt or dress I would be rocking it.

5) My forehead is neat, it's not too small and it's not too big. I can have bangs if I want and I can pull my hair up, which is great.


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