
Thursday 28 February 2013

Feb'13 readers' comments

The blog was created in November 2012, however nothing was really posted until this Feb. Since we're in the last couple of hours in Feb, I decided to post something different. I have been getting a lot of love from people who read the blog, I have so much appreciation for my readers. Soon when the blog hits more clicks, I will start having giveaways for the top reader. I am glad I could benefit some people and inspire other's, as long as I keep writing, I hope you'll keep reading and keep getting inspired. The person who was most supporting and always motivated me was the top reader of this month .... Hadeer Taha, she has an awesome blog herself http://tamarabluejeans.blogspot.com/ that I wish she would write in it more and more. Other reader who cared enough to give me feedback are also very inspiring to me and they push me to keep writing .... so without any further ado here are the comments ...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!

These kind comments are the reason that I am going to work  on my blog more and more 

Sunday 24 February 2013

What could taste good under 200 calories

Ever feel the need to have a quick bite when feeling hungry but never find anything that is healthy?
Ohhh let me correct that, cause there are healthy thing that can be quick, but they just don't taste good and won't fill you up. According to the healthy average woman, (average age, weight and daily physical movement) ladies we should be consuming 2000-2500 calories per day* If you are not trying to lose or gain weight. So you're at work you had your breakfast and it's 12 PM, launch is like 3 hours away. or maybe you just got back home and you're not feeling like stuffing your body with your brother's take out or your mom's lovely ma7shi. You're hungry, you're don't want to eat something that tastes awful or that will go to your hips.
These are foods that are under 200 calories 8%-10% from your daily intake and taste good

Drop that bleached white toast and that Jam jar Go for
Whole wheat peanut butter sandwich:

1 toast has an average of 60 calories and 1 spoon of peanut butter has an average of 100 calories. These are good complex carbs that your body will burn some calories to digest it and these are good natural fats that will help your skin and your cravings. YUM!

Forget about these deep fried fries or packed oily chips
2 cups of air popped pop corn:

1 cup of air popped pop corn has an average of 40 calories, you wanna grab your favorite series *currently pretty little liars* or your favorite movie and curl up with guilt free snack, air pop two cups of pop corn and enjoy it. Get some corns in a microwave friendly plate then place it in the microwave then season it but go easy on the salt and have fun with it.

Don't go for these crackers
Go nuts:
On average there is 9 calories in one cashew and 7 calories inn one almond! therefore you can have 22 cashews or 25 almonds or 10 almonds and 15 cashews. it's always fun to snack on some nuts while doing whatever, they taste nice, they have actually natural oils good fat YES I said it good fat.

Forget about your regular cereal
I can eat cereal anytime of the day, seriously. Oatmeal is like natural substitution of cereal, it's whole wheat, it's very filling and it's damn tasty. Have a half cup of oatmeal on average that would be 120 calories with a cup of skimmed milk that would be an average of 30 calories and one small spoon of honey that would be 40 calories. you've got yourself good sugar* YES it's natural not artificial and it doesn't leave you craving for more it gives your body what it needs.

Drop that sundae fudge
Frozen yogurt:
It's nice to have an option that you can snake on while shopping or while your friends are swimming in their mocha latte whipped cream fat. I know how it feels to be left out a stick of celery while everybody is eating extra chocolate sundaes. a Vanilla regular serving of frozen yogurt will contain an average of 110 calories, resist the salesman pushing for chocolate syrup get kiwi and strawberry topping they will have combined 50 calories and sugar in fruit is good for you.

Forget about that milkshake
Make your own Smoothie:
It's the healthy alternative for the god damn sugary milkshake. Get one banana that has 100 calories, 5 strawberries that has 20 calories, one glass of skimmed milk that is 30 calories one tps of natural sweeter which will be 10 calories some crushed ice and you've got yourself a smoothie. you can exchange the fruits with any of the following, raspberries or blackberry half a cup contains 30 calories you can add blackberry, half a cup has 40 calories. My favorite is kiwi it's like 60 calories for 2 kiwis and it moves that metabolism.

Skip the fattening dressing
Healthy yummy salad:
Get your regular green salad, some tomatoes, some carrots ,celery, lattus, cucumberand parcely, that is seriously 30 calories per plate. Get one slice of toasted whole wheat toast that is 60 calories and crush it in your salad bowl. Add 50 grams of salmon which is 100 calories, or a small can of tuna in water that is 90 calories or 3 cubes of blue cheese that is 100 calories as well or 2 chopped boiled eggs that will be 120 calories . Go easy on the seasoning and BAM Gourmet. Add some chopped mushrooms they're 2 calories per mushrooms.

No pudding
Yes Jelly:
That sweet pack of probably red jelly powder you will find in your kitchen no matter how old you are as long as you still live with your mom, if you don't just buy one it's really cheap. Stir that powder in bowling water that will be 50 calories per cup and add some natural sweeter like 20 calories to the whole pan.Let the jelly be in cups then freeze it to death in the freezer and you have a sweet snack.

Drop that McDonald's cheese burger
Create a healthy club sandwich
2 whole wheat toast that will be 120 calories fill it with lettus and tomatoes that won't pass 10 calories I promise, no matter how much you can fit in between these slices 2 slices of cold cut turkey breast it's around 40 calories and add some mustard that won't pass 5 calories. Dig your teeth in!

We don't have to kill ourselves to eat good food, it's there we just need to look for it and go that extra mile for it, I promise it will be a love story.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Current Wardrobe Obsessions (turn to classics after a while)

Every once and a while we get obsessed with certain pieces, some times these pieces are from the current trend or some blast from the past. We try to put them in all our outfits sometimes it doesn't work and we just realize it after seeing our tagged pictures on facebook. The obsessions I have mostly turn into classics in my closet, adding up to my style; some of them go to charity next season though. My current obsessions are a mix between some classics and some trends that caught my heart before my eyes, in the article you will read why do am I obsessed with these pieces, how to turn them into wardrobe stables and how to style them depending on your mood or the style  you're aiming for. Ladies these are my personal choices for obsession and I love everybody to think of their own obsessions , however you might just fall in love with them like I did. You can also share your obsessions in the comments or on the email in the contact tab.

Fur Vest
Fur is always a statement for elegant, however fur isn't only for evening gowns coverage or for coats, fur can be put into a day to day piece. The fur vest gives the elegance of the fur to the day to day practical piece that is the vest. Styling the vest with a simple shirt or blouse elevate the look completely and makes it look expensive. a casual plain dress can go from plain to chic by adding the fur vest. Denim = cheap and practical, Fur = expensive and fancy, Fur+ Denim = modern hippie look.
Leather Leggings
It just adds constant edge to your outfit, very rock chic. Ladies they are still leggings so you still need to cover up your butt, always wear something long with your leather leggings. For a slick look you add a blazer to the look, pair some heels and you're ready to go; it's great because mixing the edginess of the leather with the formality of the blazer tones down the legging. Add chiffon blouse to it and you've got yourself a feminine look. An oversize knit or shirt makes the look more casual depending on the shoes. Over-vests adds great length to your look. Avoid the leather jacket or top cause it's not the 80's and you're not a rock star. One great thing about leather leggings of course is that you can wear it with any type of shoes except flip flops, they just don't go together. Classy heels, edgy thigh high boots, hippie wedges or gladiator, ankle booties for daily look and converse for casual look.

Maxi Skirts
Just admit it, you didn't imagine yourself wearing a maxi skirt after high school ended, personally I didn't. Fashion is full of surprises and since the 90's are back, it sent us everything including the maxi skirts. My favorite maxi skirts are 3 kinds. The tube skirt, mostly tube skirt would have an opening to spice things a little bit, however if you are on the conservative side, tube skirts with no opening is also in, since they are super tight mostly over sized blazers, shirts or knits are perfect; it's like the skirt substitute for the leggings. Transparent maxi skirt is amazing cause you have the option to wear any length of skirt under it or maybe leggings; which makes one piece adjust to your own mood. Pleated maxi skirt is amazing mostly you tuck in something a bit tighter on the top and you have a basic simple look making your pleats pop or just wear it with something a bit over-sized, just make sure you're at your goal weight before you that ;).

Double Rings
It's great because you can make a bigger statement with your ring and anything that will look too big for one finger, won't look too big for two fingers. I wouldn't recommend wearing a double ring in both hands, it sort of takes out how special it is. I just got a Mustache double ring and I am almost not wearing any rings except it. You can always wear other regular rings with the double ring, it will even draw attention to your fingers more.
Over-sized Sunglasses
I know we went through the pilots then the wayfers now we're back to the small 90's sunglasses, rayban my face is just too big for that. I love over-sized everything really, over-sized sunglasses complement a big face, if you have a smaller face choose a big sunglasses to your face, it's all about the ratio.  The cat eyes was hands down the way to go in the 50's which i like to call the feminine era, over-sized cat eyes gives a feminine class. Jackie O. taught us everything about being formal chic, she had the best men as arm candy, however her over-sized square sunglasses have made it's way to being formal and lady like. the round over-sized sunglasses are just the basic of the over-sized sunglasses, it's chic, simple and complements the face.

Tulle Skirts
Full, Small, Short, Long, layered or slick! a tulle skirt is a guaranteed hit. Styling a tulle skirt is a bit tricky though, you don't want to look like a ballerina in the street. You can wear it a simple tank top no embellishments or anything, you basically make your tulle skirt the hit of the outfit; that look is simple yet young and feminine. You can go for a slicker look, still simple and feminine but more classy, wearing a simple shirt or blouse tucked into your tulle skirt with simple pumps adds instant class to a playful outfit, simply chic and ladylike this look is perfect for toning down the tulle skirt without making it look out of context.
 Going to the edge includes mismatching the tulle skirt can go amazing with a denim shirt tucked in, you can make add a belt for extra embellishment of the look, the look is well put together but still different. Denim shirts can be feminine you can add lace, flowers or bows as accessories. Really pushing the boundaries is my thing so my favorite add would be a biker leather jacket, it's the complete opposite of the tulle skirt, but surprise it's mega chic, think Audrey Hepburn meets Madonna. I would wear heels or even an embellished converse like with lace or studs depends on the place I'm going
Adding more class and formality to your tulle skirt can happen with adding a blazer on top of your blouse or tank, that outfit is perfect to make it look like something you would just throw on. Very feminine and very carefree look that could be created by a simple cardigan over the tulle skirt also with heels, you can add some accessories to the cardigan, a flower or a simple bow would complement the feminine vibe, however I would go with some studs on the cardigan just to mismatch and tone down the femininity of the tulle skirt with heels..   

Friday 15 February 2013

Step by Step on Make up routine for beginners

Welcome back to my blog Ladies, this post is a makeup tips for beginners. so I have always been a self learner when it comes to make up. Starting from the small basics in middle school to the horror mistakes I did in high school, then to the crazy Emo make up phase and finally giving up in college. Last year I started to get the grip of it and I normalized a routine that I know works for me currently. I am not one of these people who always go out with full makeup on, however when I do it; I ace it. The following routine is basic essential routine mainly for beginners it has what are the names of the products, the order of the process and my personal favorite brands that I am currently using.This routine might seem slightly long, but trust me it's not complicated and it's worth it.

First, Every girl needs to know that her face needs 3 steps before actual makeup. Cleanse, Tone and Moisturize. Let me start with cleaning, toss your face with cold water, it will wake you up then start washing it with warmer water to open up your pores a little bit. Use a soluble cleaner that doesn't need a cotton to be removed, there is a huge array of cleaners that are available in the market, I am currently washing Garnier light face wash @ 20 EGP. I wouldn't recommend clean & clear as it tends to be a little harsh on the skin.
After you pat with your clean towel on your face you start toning it. Toning is a essential to get red of the extra oils that build up in the pores which can clog them and eventually cause white heads and black heads *ewww*. A dry cotton should be soaked in the toner and patting on the face while avoiding the lips and eyes of course  while toning you need to focus on your most oily areas which is your T zone, *a T zone is your forehead, nose and chin. with toners I really recommend making your toner at home, it's easy and it's natural so it won't be harsh on your face, yes you need to clean your pores but you don't want to strip your face from your natural oils that keeps your face young. Currently I am using warm green tea, I have tried rose water, seriously cheap and nice on your skin. Finally moisturizing, you need it even if you have an oily skin; after washing your face from the toner and again patting with your clean towel get your moisturizer massaged gently on your whole face with your finger tips and let it dry on your skin, currently I am using Vaseline cocoa butter deep conditioning lotion @ 39 EGP, and it's seriously a huge bottle multipurpose conditioning.

Second, To go with a really flawless make up look you need to use face primer, it lets your make up stay longer, avoids any face melt downs; no obvious pores will be showing. You need to get clear primer get a pea size on each of your pinky fingers and even out your face with it, then gently massage it all over your face so it's all covered. Don't get shiny primer it's very oily, just get clear primer. Makeup Forever offers a very good face primer, however it's a bit expensive. Currently I am using Oriflame beauty perfecting face primer @ 59 EGP as face and eye primer it smooths the skin. Let your skin dry for one minute before you go on with the process.

Third, Foundation, let me make it clean here, foundation is not made to make you look more fair or make you look tanned. If you wanna be fair use a fairness cream, sunblock and stay away from the sun, if you wanna be tanned use self tanner, or use SPF sun tan cream and have your sun bath; PLEASE don't ask your foundation to do something it wasn't made for. Foundation is made to even out your skin you should get one that matches your tone, the maximum you could do is get one shade lighter or one shade darker to avoid looking fake. I used to use Rimmel mineral foundation @ 79 EGP but for some reason I stopped using it I don't know why, it was working fine for me, currently I am using Flormar mat velvet foundation @ 50 EGP, it's very matting and doesn't rub off the skin.

Fourth, Concealer, Foundation isn't for covering blemishes, dark circles and spots, concealer is used to this purpose. You should use 2 concealer, one that is lighter one or two shades from your skin tone and another one that is the same tone as your foundation. The first concealer you should use under your eyes to really highlight the area under your eyes and cover any dark circles. The second concealer is used to cover any dark spots or blemishes you have over your face. Currently I am using Flormar perfect coverage concealer @ 40 EGP, it's creamy and smooth does cover the spots.

Fifth, The all mighty powder, Personally I was raised to hate powder as my mom had a misunderstanding what powder actually do, again it's not a whiting tool it's a coverage tool, basically it's a base for your blusher, PLEASE match your powder with your skin tone. You have loose powder VS pressed powder, Loose powder provides good coverage and you don't need any touch ups, it might be a bit messy for a beginner to apply; however pressed powder doesn't give overall coverage it's easier to use and it good if you want to touch up your face during the day. Personally I am now using pressed powder cause I am always in a hurry and my foundation & concealer provide me with all the coverage I need. Currently I am using Oriflame beauty matte control pressed powder @ 119 EGP it gives good finish with my foundation and it's a great base.

Sixth, Eye make up, after I let the primer and concealer work their magic, I start with eye shadow. I always apply lighter shades under my brow and in my tear dot then I go 2 or 3 shades darker in my crease if I am going out in the sun light, I go extra dark maybe even black if I am going some where in the evening. I am currently Revlon color stay @ 139 EGP and yes, it's better than Bourjois cause I have tried both, it's also has many color combination that can be packed with you for touch ups. Eye pencils are a must, now if you have big eyes you can use dark shades on your inner water lines, personally i like black cause I feel they are defining. White eye pencil makes eyes look larger and it really brights up the look, perfect for the morning as well. Currently I am using Lord & Berry smudge proof black eye pencil @ 90 EGP, it's so amazing; it never melts down and hands down the best eye pencil I have ever used. Eyeliner usually is recommended for evenings, I personally use my eye pencil to draw on my eye led. a tip for you girl, if you are using liquid eyeliner let it dry by closing your eye for at least one minute so it won't print on your eye shadow. Get a Mascara that has a rotated brush, you don't need a torture tool so don't get a tiny brush; personally I either use black or transparent mascara, just because Maria Carrey used green doesn't mean we all should use colored Mascaras. use your mascara on your lower led lashes before your upper led lashes so you would avoid the mighty print on your brow bone. I am currently using Rimmel Volume Flash mascara @ 89 EGP and I totally love it. I would use fake lashes for really important events like weddings but I am currently not using any lashes.

Seventh, Bronzer VS Blusher, Bronzer gives a more natural look, it can be used all over your face and it gives this tanned look that makes the skin glow, as for the Blusher you use it to enhance the color of your apple cheeks and give this natural blush. Bronzers and Blushers can be used together, Personally I'd rather use the bronzer on my cheekbones, jawline, nose, chin and forehead to contour then give my cheek apples the blusher. Matt bronzers gives a natural sun kissed look, I am currently using Oriflame Giordani Gold Bronzer pearls @ 94 EGP. If you have oily skin then use matte powder Blush that will stay longer; if you have dry skin then creamy blush is best for you just make sure to apply a pea size so you won't look overdone. Currently I am using using Oriflame beauty perfect blush @ 74 EGP it has a good natural look that highlights my cheek and it's matte powdery for my oily skin.

Eighth, Lips, If you have thin lips use lip pencil that is the same color as your lips to define your lips, PLEASE don't use a darker shade, it makes you look like you have a mustache; not attractive, having full lips I never used it actually but now I am thinking of it since it came up, anyway as for Lipstick darker shades like brown aren't in now so please don't use them, red lipstick never goes out of style and is perfect for formal events where you don't have to speak that much like going to the opera, I use Kate by Rimmel @ 89 EGP make sure that no red lipstick in on your teeth and make sure to print a kiss on a tissue before you finish so that it doesn't look like you're a vampire. Daily lips should be either nude lipstick or light lip gloss, Personally I use Lip smacker lip balm @ 19 EGP and for a glossier look essence Glossy lip balm @ 39 EGP.

Then look the mirror check for any access and wink at yourself cause you are hot. xx


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